
Sawan, also known as Shravana, is an auspicious month in the Hindu calendar dedicated to Lord Shiva. It holds immense significance for devotees who observe various rituals and fasts to seek the blessings of the deity. In the year 2023, the month of Sawan is expected to begin on the 24th of July and end on the 22nd of August. During this time, devotees perform special prayers, visit temples, and engage in religious activities to honor Lord Shiva.

Significance of Sawan 2023:

Sawan is considered highly auspicious as it is believed that Lord Shiva’s blessings are easily attainable during this time. It is said that prayers offered with devotion and sincerity during the month of Sawan are bound to be answered. Many devotees undertake various rituals and practices to seek the deity’s favor and to fulfill their desires.

Observances and Rituals During Sawan 2023:

During the month of Sawan in 2023, devotees engage in several observances and rituals to please Lord Shiva. Some of the common practices include:

1. Fasting: Many devotees observe fasting on Mondays, known as “Sawan Somvar,” to express their devotion to Lord Shiva. It is believed that fasting on these days can bring prosperity and happiness to one’s life.

2. Abhishek: Devotees visit Shiva temples to perform abhishek – a ritual of bathing the Shiva lingam with various offerings such as water, milk, honey, and yogurt. It is said to purify the soul and bring peace and harmony.

3. Chanting Mantras: Reciting mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva, such as the “Om Namah Shivaya” mantra, is a common practice during Sawan. It is believed to invoke the blessings of the deity and bring spiritual enlightenment.

4. Offerings: Devotees make offerings of belpatra, dhatura, fruits, and flowers to Lord Shiva during the month of Sawan as a mark of reverence and devotion.

5. Visiting Holy Sites: Pilgrimages to holy sites such as Varanasi, Amarnath, and Kedarnath are considered highly auspicious during the month of Sawan. It is believed that offering prayers at these sacred places can fulfill one’s wishes and bring salvation.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

1. What is the significance of fasting on Mondays during Sawan?

Fasting on Mondays during Sawan is considered highly auspicious as it is believed to please Lord Shiva, who is said to be easily pleased on this day. Devotees believe that fasting on these days can bring blessings, prosperity, and happiness to their lives.

2. Can women observe fasts during Sawan?

Yes, women can observe fasts during Sawan, including the Sawan Somvar fasts. Many women participate in the rituals and observances dedicated to Lord Shiva during this auspicious month to seek his blessings.

3. What are the benefits of performing Abhishek during Sawan?

Performing Abhishek during Sawan is believed to purify the soul, bring peace, and remove obstacles from one’s life. It is a way of expressing devotion to Lord Shiva and seeking his blessings for spiritual growth and well-being.

4. Are there any specific mantras to chant during Sawan?

Yes, devotees often chant mantras such as “Om Namah Shivaya” and “Mahamrityunjaya Mantra” during Sawan to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva. These mantras are believed to bring protection, peace, and spiritual enlightenment.

5. Is it necessary to visit holy sites during Sawan to seek blessings?

While visiting holy sites during Sawan is considered highly auspicious, it is not mandatory to seek blessings from Lord Shiva. Devotees can connect with the deity through sincere prayers, rituals, and acts of devotion performed from their homes or local temples.


Sawan 2023 holds immense significance for devotees who seek the blessings of Lord Shiva through various observances and rituals. The month is filled with spiritual practices such as fasting, abhishek, chanting mantras, making offerings, and visiting holy sites. Devotees believe that by immersing themselves in devotion and seeking the deity’s grace during Sawan, they can overcome obstacles, find peace, and attain spiritual fulfillment. The month of Sawan is a time of deep reverence and piety for those who follow the path of devotion to Lord Shiva.

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